In the Bible, there are many books with many great and amazing truths. Lately I have been reviewing and studying and meditating on John 15:1-11.
Jesus says that we are to "abide" in Him and He in us (vs. 4).

What does abiding look like? Well... here's what I am discovering:
Abide means to: remain; continue; stay. It can mean to dwell or reside with, to continue with, to put up with, to tolerate, to stand with, to endure, sustain, to wait for, to accept without opposition or question, to remain steadfast or faithful to.
Let me tell you, abiding is not easy. Oh, I want to abide with Him and I sure want Him to abide in me...
Abide my brother... Abide in Him because as verse 5 promises, "whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is who bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
May we see fruit in our wife & children as we abide in HIM...