Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Discipline! Do not despise it...

Proverbs 3:11-12 states: "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights."

Can I ask you a question? Are you delighting in your son/daughter before you are disciplining them?

It's a pretty good question to consider, don't you think?

Here's what I think it means practically. I think it means that we as dads would be keen to spend most of our time enjoying our children, encouraging our children, laughing with our children, being affectionate with our children, and dare I say, enjoying our children so that there is a deep bond of love and joy between us & our child(ren).

So why do we discipline?

So that we can keep them on the path of wisdom and righteousness (Prov 20:7). Not because we are embarrassed, frutsrated or angry, but so that we can train them in wisdom and righteousness.

Frankly dads, this has to be modeled to our children. Our wife and children need to see us submitting to authority and welcoming correction from those whom we love and respect (friends, family members, colleagues, our church family). They also need to see us repenting of our own sin, receiving forgiveness, and walking in restoration with God the Father by empowering grace. In other words, - "a good father will live out the gospel every day in fellowship with God and his child, and he knows what to do about sin in his child's life because he's been dealing with his own sin in his own life first". (Driscoll, Pastor Dad, pg. 8)

This is a big call men. Just the other night I had the opportunity to discipline my son, but I had to ask myself, have I delighted in him lately? I need to change in this too men, but I wanted to share with you what I am learning... May we as men rise up and walk in the role we have been entrusted with. To parent with an eternal perspective, by the grace of God!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Bride is on a Personal Retreat...

After 13 years of marriage, my wife has gone on her first personal retreat. Boy does she need more of these! It's really a pretty sad reflection of my care for my wife, boys. Something I confess here, so you hopefully will not make the same choice I did and regret it - like I am...

So, 7 kids in bed. All washed, fed & sleeping. But now the house is silent, but for the dish washer whirling and my thoughts of what a legend my bride is.

Here is what I have learnt about my wife today while she has been away.

1) the laundry is a big job... washing, drying, folding, ironing, putting away. That's if there are no stains to be removed, soaked, sown or repaired.

2) the kitchen is never closed... breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning tea, afternoon tea & dessert. That's if there are no other requests for: extras & bottles to be washed and sterilised. Food to be prepped, pots and pans to be washed up and stove to be cleaned. Menu's to be prepared as well as shopping list to be made & most importantly, sticking to a budget at that.

3) there is ALWAYS someone to spend time with... any one of the 7 children, a phone call, an email, skype request, facebook request, relatives, friends & of course when my wife's husband comes home... he wants time too and most importantly, time with the Savior of the world. That's not to mention anyone who comes to the door for a surprise visit.

4) there is always something to tidy up or clean... dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the toilets, the bedrooms, the lounge room, the windows, mopping the floor, polishing the mirrors, the silver, removing cob webs around the place & just general tidying the place. That's if no one has spilt something or wee'd on the floor or spewed after you cleaned it up in the first place...

5) there is always someone to hold & hug... the kids, each other, a neighbor in need, a friend who pops around for fellowship, a friend on the phone or over the email... that's if we can stop what we are doing in order to hold and hug someone...

I have so much respect and appreciation for you, my love. Thank you for all you do. Let me know when you want your next retreat... I owe you many!!!

I am so grateful to my Savior that He has revealed this to me. Guys - book your wife a personal retreat - SOON!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5 Reasons why ... the Bible is inspired:

Do you ever question the inspiration of the Bible? If I am honest, I have had to address this question in my own thinking. I am often asked on the validity of the Bible, so when I read this explanation in a book, I thought I should share it.

The book is written by Corrie Ten Boom, who is known around the world for her work for the Lord.

Miss Ten Boom spent the first 50 years of her life living peacefully with her father and sister above the watch shop in Haarlem, Holland. When World War II broke out, her family instinctively began providing 'hiding places' for persecuted Jews. Miss Ten Boom and her family spent several months in concentration camps as a result of these illegal activities, but their faith sustained them during these times. Since Corries release, she has traveled the world captivating audiences with her inspiring story.

In her book, 'Tramp for the Lord' she writes out these 5 reasons why she believes the Bible is inspired.

1) It says so. "... holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" 2 Peter 1:21

2) The effect it has upon all who believe and follow it.

3) Though some of it was written more than two thousand years before Jesus arrived on earth, yet all the writers agree.

4) The authors do not offer any excuses for their own faults and sins.

5) The writers record some of the most harrowing scenes which affected them greatly, yet they never express one word of emotion. The Holy Spirit wanted the facts recorded, and not their feelings about the facts.
How refreshing to read these thought out convictions on the inspiration of Scripture. What about you? Have you thought about how to answer the question, 'Are the Scriptures truly inspired by God'? I challenge you to think this through...
I also want to encourage you to add this book to your library. If you are able to get your hands on a copy of this book, it will serve you and your wife & perhaps your older children would appreciate the book as well. You can get yourself a copy by clicking on the title, which is highlighted.
May we grow in our understanding of the power and wonder of the INSPIRED Word of God!

Friday, April 2, 2010

WARNING, WARNING - what are your kids listening to?

Yesterday, I drove home 11 kids from a year 9 camp. Holy smokes! Have you ever heard of Lady GaGa? I was shocked by the words she sang. I at one stage turned the music down to ask the kids, "did she just say, 'she wants your diseases'"? The kids all laughed and looked stunned I would be shocked by that. Then they hollered, "yes, turn it back up"!

As I reflected on the music that I allowed to be played in my car, I was quite disappointed in myself. Why did I let them play that rubbish? But then I thought, I am quiet glad I did let them listen to it, because it gave me a better glimpse into their world.

Dads, the music industry is out to influence our kids, and it is not for the good, in my opinion. You know, every song was about sex and drugs. I kept thinking to myself about the people who wrote those songs, it exposes such a revelation of their hearts. Hurting, broken, hopeless, wanting out, wanting a cure for their pain. Here's the thing - dad's, listen to your kids, and ask them questions. They are being influenced by what they hear on the radio.

What's interesting to me is that, Lady GaGa speaks of wanting your disease, in quite a grotesque way, but in another way, someone else is able to take our diseases and cure them. In reality, Jesus Christ died for our diseases so we could have life (1 Cor. 15:3).

The pain that is trying to be subsided through sex, drugs, money and alcohol will only make things worse. Dad's, I encourage you to speak to your children and your friends children. Ask them specific questions as to where they are at. And help them sift through some of the lyrics they are listening to. Challenge them on what they are listening to & most importantly, share with them how Christ died for our sins & will cure the disease in our hearts!