I have recently taken a position at a school and today I spent 2 class periods with a kid in year 10 who is facing terrible circumstances! TERRIBLE! He is not alone! There are many children who are missing thier father's instruction in their life... It would break your heart! But I had the wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with this young man, which I was so thankful for! I do pray that he will be able to recall the power of the Gospel and that he would have the grace to respond to it.
However, as I sat and listened to this young man tell me incident after incident of the way his father has negelected and compromised him, I was stunned. Not because I am any better. No I was stunned because I thought, without the Grace of God - there go I. There go I as a father! There go you as a father!
This father has not taken his role seriously! He is failing as a husband, and a father. In fact he failed so bad that his wife left him and has remarried! Now his son does not want anything to do with him.
As I come home to my family, I must consider how I am doing as a father.
Here's some questions I am considering - Perhaps you may want to consider these too?
- How am I loving my wife in front of my kids?
- Am I provoking my children to love and good works - or am I provoking the hell out of them?
- Am I training them in the ways of the Lord - by words only - or are they seeing their daddy model a godly life to them?
- Do my kids see me rejoicing in the GOSPEL - or just talking about it?
- How am I showing my boys to treat their wife?
- How am I showing my daughters that this is how a woman is to be treated by a man?
- Am I teaching my children about grace or works?
- How am I equipping them to be a future husband or wife?
- Does my marriage reflect the way Christ laid down His life for the Church?
Yea... Not easy questions to answer - but I am not called to abidcate these massive responsibilities! What a privilege to model Christ to my wife and children!
Oh, I need Grace... because paretning with an eternal perspective is a massive and awesome job!
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