Monday, April 20, 2009

'Just Do Something' by: Kevin DeYoung

Kevin DeYoung has written a helpful book called, 'Just Do something'. It is only 122 pgs, 10 chapters and farily easy reading! I strongly encourage you to pick up this book. You can buy it here for about $9.00 USD + shipping.

Now I am only on chapter 3, but chapters 1 & 2 are so insightful and helpful, I could not help but think that some of you dad's might be served reading this. Especially if you have kids who are concerned about what God want's them to do with their life.
Let me try to encourage you to purchase or get your hands on a copy of this book by sharing this bit with you from chapter 3. DeYoung starts the chapter asking, "why are so many Christians desperate to find out God's plan for their lives?' Then he goes on to say that he is going to provide 5 reasons and explain them. I will give you the five reasons and then you have to purchase the book to get the explanation. Cheeky - aye?!
Reason 1: Because we want to please God!
Reason 2: Because some of us are to timid!
Reason 3: Becase we want perfect fulfillment!
Reason 4: Because we have too many choices!
Reason 5: Because we are cowards!
Sounds enticing I'm sure?!
I strongly encourage you to get this book in your library... It will serve you as you serve the Lord - parenting with an eternal perspective

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