Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baptising your son...

I had the wonderful, yet humbling experience of baptising my eldest son on Easter Sunday. Caleb is just 10 years old, but what a man he is becoming. A young man after God's own heart!

As a father, you see your son take his first steps, you watch him learn to talk, you watch him grow up so quickly. But watching him stand on the side of the baptismal waiting to enter into the water to identify himself with Christ, is just awesome and yet overwhelming!

Then as he enters into the water you remember...Caleb is not your son. He belongs to Christ. He is on loan from God. You are then humbled as you remember that you are just a steward of this young man. Then you begin to ask yourself how well am I training him? How well am I modeling for him, what it is to be a Godly man?

It truly is God's grace that allows us to see our children living for Him. It is not what we say, or what we do necessarily. It is God's work in their lives, that allows them to hear from Him.

Keep praying for your children to respond to the Gospel!

For truly -

It is a pleasure to Father for HIS glory!


djmit said...

its truth good is grate but when we need help at that time not body come to halp to us thats also truth

djmit said...

i am belived in my clearness of work and belived in good when u do work truth fully then also good give u help