Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wesley & Camella

We have (had) two sponsor children from Brazil. They were a brother and sister and we were so excited when they became part of our family. We began sponsoring them, through Compassion, about 5 years ago. We loved getting their letters and updated photo's. It was especially fun when the kids would draw pictures and tell us what they have been doing and what they had been learning about God.

Well today we learned that they are no longer part of Compassion. Their mum has pulled them out of Compassion and enrolled them in another organisation that provides aide there in Brazil.

I must say, I am a bit disappointed. I have had dreams of one day meeting this brother and sister - but never mind.

When sharing this news with my children tonight - I must confess, I wanted to air my disgust and disappointment, but that would not have served them in any way. Instead I ensured them that, Lord willing, one day we would be able to meet them in heaven. I was also able to encourage them that even though we won't be providing them with finical support, we sure can be a spiritual support by remembering them in our prayers.

They were disappointed as well but seemed excited by the thought of being a spiritual support to this dear brother and sister in Brazil...

I must admit - I was once again reminded of my duty as a dad to teach my children how to view things with an eternal perspective... these opportunities present themselves so many times...

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