Monday, August 17, 2009


The Mercy of God!

What is the mercy of God? In Psalms 52:8 mercy is described as, "God's unfailing love"!

I reckon that if we dared to meditate on the mercy of God we would recall the tenderness of His mercies. We would recall that it is with a gentle, loving touch that He heals the broken hearted, and binds up their wounds. It truly is a great mercy, for as Spurgeon reminds us, "There is nothing little in God; His mercy is like Himself - it is infinite." That means that God's mercy is unable to be measured.

Consider with me how great this mercy is:

His mercy forgives great sins and great sinners, and I am one of them. Amazingly, even after great lengths of time, He then gives great favors and great privileges. For example, - allowing us access to the Father, eternity with Him; feasting at the royal banquet, to be called, 'sons of God'!

Truly His mercy is undeserved mercy.

I dare you to meditate on His mercies - for they are new every morning...

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