Wednesday, December 2, 2009

'Obedience Borne of Romance'

I have often heard the question, "How do I love God with all my heart, soul and mind?" If you are interested in an answer: I want you to do me a favor. Read the following:

"To love God with all my heart, soul, mind and

strength is the greatest commandment in the Law.

If I could simply fulfill this one commandment, I

would gladly fulfill all others as a natural matter

of course.

So how can I come to love God with all of my

being ? The Bible teaches that genuine love in my

heart for God is generated by an awareness of His love

for me, and nowhere is the love of God more clearly

revealed than in the gospel. Therefore, preaching the

gospel to myself is a great way to keep God's amazing

love before my eyes, so that I might experience its

power to produce in me a passionate love for Him in

return . Romanced by His love in this way , my

increasingly smitten heart will burn to do His will and

will feast itself on doing so."

I reckon that is a helpful response! Thank you Milton Vincent.

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