Friday, May 30, 2008

Cultivating Joy

Have you heard the expression 'cultivating joy' before? Me neither. It was quite a new concept, however it is something I need reminding of.

What is it and how do I remind myself?

When the disciples returned to Jesus after a successful ministry trip and reported excitedly, "Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name!" Jesus responded, "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Jesus isn't minimizing the joy from ministry success. But He was drawing their attention away from that to a joy that takes priority over the experience of spiritual power. This is the joy that comes from the gospel, the gospel that writes our names in heaven.

How do you remind yourself?

By preaching the gospel to yourself. By doing this it there will be a pronounced joy, an infectious joy, a consistent joy.

I desire to be consistent for my family. Sometimes (too often) I allow circumstances to dictate my mood. So because I missed my favorite program, or dinner was not what I would have chosen, or the neighbor made a careless comment, or the kids are needing my attention but I am trying to accomplish something... the list goes on and on... but, I allow these things to "ruin" my day.

Do you do this?

Brothers, like nothing else, the gospel creates joy; it's both the source and the object of our joy. You see it's the gospel alone that allows us to obey the instruction from the Lord to "serve the Lord with gladness". Joy is a command. One of my hero's says, "You may be working hard and serving the Lord faithfully, but if you aren't serving with gladness, you aren't serving Him appropriately or representing Him accurately".

Let me ask you - are you someone who's consistently joyful and continually aware that "the joy of the Lord is your strength"? Or have you forgotten? Do others see you to be someone who's burdened, busy, and easily bothered?

I took my wife out for tea the other night and we discussed exactly this. When I listened to my wife's honest appraisal of me, I was alarmed. I look burdened, busy and bothered. How does this reflect my joy of the gospel?

Men, it is important to keep preaching to ourself every day - The gospel! Be careful though... your joy might be contagious...

Cultivate joy in your families!

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