Saturday, December 12, 2009

You gotta see this...

When you find something that is awesome, don't you want to tell everyone about it? I do!

Look what I found: CLICK on VERSE CARD MAKER...

This is a wonderful way for us to serve our families and lead them in Scripture memory! A great initiative for 2010 - to have your family meditating on God's Word.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Very cool idea. I still have and use the old skool cards (with ink from a pen, believe it or not) in my car. Great study tool when we are not in a place to read a bible. I like to use one card and reflect on the passage.

CJ Mahaney recommends we need to stop listening to ourselves so much (our negative statements) and start preaching God's word to ourselves and listening to what He has to say. Great advice, I think.