Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mothers Day - in Australia

God has been kind to me! He has given me a mother, mother-in-law & a mother to my children. So today is quite a special one! An opportunity to reflect on the women who have been put in my life. The women who God chose to put in my life - for such a time as this ... AND what's even more significant is - THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE!!!

God in HIS Sovereign & Perfect plan put us together & I am blessed!

So firstly, for my own mother - Happy Mother's Day!

Secondly, to my mother-in-law - WOW! Thank you for your extended grace and acceptance of a guy like me. Thanks AGAIN, for letting me marry your daughter!

Thirdly, to the mother of my children - Oh how I love you and thank you for all that you do! I am blessed among men! TRULY, I AM!!!


Friday, May 8, 2009

60 Years AND Counting...

The man in this picture is someone quite speacial and dear to us as a family!

He just turned 60!

60 years here on plantet earth!

It is humbling to recall what a gracious guy he has been to me!
It is humbling to recall what an evangelist he is and has been!
It is humbling to recall what he said when I asked him if I could marry his daughter!
It is humbling to recall what he did when I confessed struggles of sin.
It is humbling to recall what an an example he is for me!

I am blessed to have a guy in my life that is living out Romans 1:16

For truly,

"You are not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..."

Thank you Heavenly Father for putting this man in my life!

Happy Birthday man! Your a great father-n-law and a wonderful brother in Christ!
Phil. 1:6