Thursday, February 26, 2009

A QUOTE from the Irish Calvanist

"Too often guilt inhibits joy, but it should not be! The conviction of the Holy Spirit is to bring the awareness and hatred of our own sin. The subsequent guilt and feelings of unworthiness is not an end of themselves but rather a vehicle to drive us to see the prevailing beauty and efficacy of the righteousness of the Lamb that was slain."

Monday, February 23, 2009

My youngest son turns 7

Noah turns 7 today!

I asked him this morning (the day before his birthday), "Noah, what's today" Without a beat he replied, "It's Noah's Eve", and off he ran to play.

This kid is something else. He is funny, quirky, the middle child, and growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I have made so many mistakes with him. Being too soft and then too hard, then too easy... But I am so glad that God has entrusted Meg and I with him. We truly are blessed!

Let the celebrations begin!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Amazing Sermon

Hey, I am not a 2 times a day post'er on this blog - but I couldn't wait to give this wonderful sermon to you...

Please listen to THIS it will serve you so well...

Ahhhhh, there is nothing like a "gifted" preacher!

Hope this serves you - as you parent with an eternal perspective...

Parenting with an Eternal Perspective Job Description

Have you ever wished someone would spell out what is expected of a parent? Won't someone please just give us a job description. How do we raise godly children?

Well, I think I have discovered a helpful list. I have found it as I have been reading, 'The Duties of Parents' by J.C. Ryle...

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ - you would be familiar with the verse found in Proverbs 22:6 - It reads -

"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart form it."

Sound's easy enough right?

Well, it's not...

However, let me provide 17 responsibilities that we as parent's can commit to in assisting us to train up a child...



Here is a list - that at later dates, I want to attempt to expound upon... You Ready?

1) Start off by, training your child in the way they should go, NOT in the way they would go.

2) Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience.

3) Train your children with an abiding persuasion on your mind - that much depends on you.

4) Train with this thought continually before your eyes - that the soul of your child is the first thing to be considered.

5) Train your child to a knowledge of the Bible.

6) Train them to a habit of prayer.

7) Train them to habits of diligence, and regularity about public means of grace.

8) Train them to a habit of faith.

9) Train them to a habit of obedience.

10) Train them to a habit of always speaking the truth.

11) Train them to a habit of always redeeming the time.

12) Train them with a constant fear of over - indulgence

13) Train them remembering continually how God trains His children.

14) Train them remembering continually the influence of your own example.

15) Train them remembering continually the power of sin.

16) Train them remembering continually the promises of Scripture.

17) Train them, lastly, with continual prayer for a blessing on all you do.

Ahhhh, isn't that a helpful list?

Now, I know some might be tempted to think - ugh - anything else? Don't grow negative - let's work at this - having an eternal perspective in mind!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Puritan Prayer -

How do you start your day? Do you start your day with thinking about all that needs to get done? Do you start your day off with a barrage of thoughts or ideas that then lead you to feeling overwhelmed and helpless?

I can suffer this sort of torment and so I have sought out some wise men and asked for their counsel to help me defeat this discouragement.

They recommend preaching to myself instead of listening to myself. To shut up my mind and begin to remind my mind of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let me tell you brother, it is a battle and before I get out of bed I can hear the voices of my brain & I have to audibly, sometimes, preach to myself...

Here's how I do it:

I might try to quote a verse of Scripture to myself, or pray the Lord's prayer or I may even hum an old gospel tune such as, 'Great is Thy Faithfulness', 'Amazing Grace' or 'The Old Rugged Cross'.

Another thing that I have enjoyed doing recently is reading a Puritan Prayer. I have typed it up for you to read & be encouraged with. It's Old English style, but don't rush over it... You will be so encouraged.


Compassionate Lord,
Thy mercies have brought me to the dawn of another day,
Vain will be its gifts unless I grow in grace,
increase in knowledge,
ripen for spiritual harvest.
Let me this day know thee as thou art,
love thee supremely,
serve thee wholly,
admire thee fully.
Through grace let my will respond to thee,
Knowing that power to obey is not in me, but
that thy free love alone enables me to serve thee.
Here then is my empty heart,
overflow it with thy choicest gifts;
Here is my blind understanding,
chase away its mists of ignorance.
O ever watchful Shepherd,
lead, guide, tend me this day;
Without thy restraining rod I err and stray;
Hedge up my path lest I wander into unwholesome pleasure,
and drink its poisonous streams;
Direct my feet that I be not entangled in Satan's secret snares,
nor fall into his hidden traps.
Defend me from assailing foes,
from evil circumstances,
from myself.
My adversaries are part and parcel of my nature;
They cling to me as my very skin;
I cannot escape their contact.
In my rising up and sitting down they barnacle me;
They entice with constant baits;
My enemy is within the citadel;
Come with almighty power and cast him out, pierce him to death,
and abolish in me every particle of carnal life this day.

I trust this will help you men as you face new days.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"College of Content"

Have you ever enrolled in the "College of Content" or would you be enrolled in the 'University of Discontentment'? - I am convicted that I am enrolled in the later. But I have hope and am finding encouragement through this conviction...

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."

Paul seems to be aware that contentment is not a natural attitude of man. CLEARLY - this is so true...

My hero, Spurgeon writes, "Covetousness, discontent, and murmuring are as natural to man as thorns are to soil."

Can you agree with this. I see these traits in my life, and that it is a fight not to participate in these practices! However, it appears to me that the precious things of the earth must be cultivated. So, if I want flowers, I must plant them and care for them. Likewise, if I want crops, then I am going to need to plow and sow.

I would agree with Spurgeon that, "contentment is a flower of heaven". So, if you and I want these flowers in our garden, then they must be cultivated. They are not just going to appear because we wish them there either. The only way that these flowers can be cultivated is by the new nature that comes from Christ Alone. Paul says, I have learned... to be content! It is apparent, that at one time, Paul did not know how to do this, therefore he had to learn it and practice it. This learning comes from the conviction and instruction of the Holy Spirit through God's Word and His people.

I am sure that Paul failed many times, just as you and I will fail, however that does not mean we give up and not keep seeking to learn how to be content.

Let me encourage you to hush that murmur, natural though it be, and continue a diligent pupil in the College of Content...

This will bring glory to our Heavenly Father, as well as being an model to our wife and children, for remember, we are parenting with and enternal perspective...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Preparedness in Dating

Do you prepare to take your bride out for a meal? Not just the babysitter, the reservations, the car washed, the bottle of grog, the details of going out, but do you prepare for the conversation when you are actually out on your date?

Now, I am a lazy bugger sometimes. If I am honest, my wife and I don't "date" as much because it takes so much work. Babysitter for 6 kids, picking a night that serves both of us, assuring that my wife has the time to have a nap, prepare a "easy" meal for 6 kids and have time to doll up to go out with her man. Those little steps can be enough for me not to make the plans. However, I am committed to making this work. And as I have thought about serving my wife on these date nights, the planning does not just stop when we get out the door.

Let me explain.

I want to think of how I can affirm my love and respect for my wife throughout the night. I want her to know that I want to be with her. I want to engage her in meaningful conversation. I want to hear what is on her heart & how she is feeling about being Mrs Chavez.

I have an ability to "check out". I will watch people, look for a TV, zone out and be interested in what other couples are doing and laughing about. Crazy aye?

Thankfully my wife get's my attention with a hand on my hand, a squeeze of my knee or a wink that brings my focus back onto her. Thankfully my wife, is aware of my ADD and knows how to get my attention... She does not brow beat me, or attempt to make me feel guilty, however she will express how it can tempt her to feel like I would rather be someplace else.

Listen guys, I don't want it to be like this. I desire it to be like I earlier mentioned. I think I am getting better but I don't always succeed, however I am going to keep working at it, so check in on me... it's a constant battle to be self absorbed, ain't it?!

So here is how I am preparing:

Exposing my weakness to mates:
Being held accountable:


Date Night:
Time to go out:
Who is Babysitting:
Is menu "easy":
What do I want to communicate to my bride on the night:


Try it brothers - because it will help you to parent with an eternal significance...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heaven or Hell - Myth or Reality

Do you ever question if Heaven is a myth? What about Hell? Is Hell a reality? Can it be proved?

Please listen to this talk...

Just click here

I trust you will be served and encouraged!

ONLY because of the cross...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Some Personal Reading Recommendations

I always appreciate being put on to a good read. Let me serve you with a couple of books that I have been enjoying.

1) 'Since Nobody's perfect... How Good is good enough?' by Andy Stanley

This book is asking some wonderful questions, but then providing some equally wonderful answers. It is a brief but concise book. I am still working through it, but I am finding great encouragement from it!

2) 'The Reason for God' Belief in an Age of Skepticism - by Timothy Keller

Another fantastic read. This one takes a bit longer to work through. I have found that the continual wisdom Mr. Keller pours out takes a bit of pondering. I am still working on this book as well.

3) 'The Prodigal God' Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith - by Timothy Keller

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I read most of it in one night because I could not sleep. This book helped me in ways I really needed. The book is about the parable of the prodigal son. Mr Keller has done a fantastic job of explaining this parable and bringing to light the significance that each of the characters represents. This book has helped me readjust my understanding of God and His Grace - which is so rich and free!

4) 'The Invisible Hand' Do All Things Really Work for Good? - by R C Sproul

R C Sproul has written this book so well. I found it easy to digest and read. He has used great illustrations and brought through many truths that many Christians struggle with! Highly recommended.

5) 'Worldiness' Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World - Edited by C J Mahaney

Love most things that Mr Mahaney has put his paws on. This book is confronting and challenging. Just what we as father's need. How are we protecting the door to our house and what we are allowing to come in and influence our wife and children. The grace and truth the is used to support these biblical idea's is powerful and humbling. I trust it will serve you as a man, husband, and father!

6) 'The Valley of Vision' A collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions - by Arthur Bennett

This is a must have in your library! Boy have I enjoyed this book thoroughly. It is not a pick up and read cover to cover. It is a complimentary reading, with your own personal devotions. Reading one or two of these prayers a day is good for the soul!

Now I know allot of men say, "I am not a reader". Please brothers, these books will serve you to love your Saviour more, as well as assist you in being a husband and father. Who doesn't want that?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Waiting on the Lord

One of my favourite movies, in the world is: The Princess Bride. Have you ever seen it? It is a great family movie! Anyway, there is a part in the movie where a Spanish sword fighter is waiting to fight 'Wesley' (the hero), who is chasing after the Princess, who has been kidnapped, because of "True Love".

In one part of the movie, Wesley is climbing up the face of a mountain to catch the princess but he must get past the Spaniard. Now the Spaniard has been instructed that he must "kill him" so he is ready to fulfill his duty. The Spaniard keeps checking over the cliff of the mountain to see Wesley's progress. In the movie the Spaniard is shown as being irritated and impatient but then he begins engaging Wesley in conversation. Clearly he wants Wesley to hurry up so they can have their duel. Wesley is doing his best to maneuver himself up the mountain, but not quick enough for the Spaniard. The camera then shows the Spaniard pacing and in sheer frustration he finally asks Wesley, "You donta thinka you coulda speed things up do ya?" Wesley responds more or less, he's gonna have to wait. The Spaniard exhales "I hate waiting".

Boy, as a father I can relate to this. I hate waiting!

This morning our family reviewed Pslams 27:14 (NIV), it says - 'Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.'

You know, a farmer knows what it is like to wait. A coach knows what it is like to wait and watch his team develop. A spouse knows what it is like to wait for growth in their partner. A parent watches and waits for their child to walk, speak, grow, drive, marry and have children of their own. A pastor knows what it is like to wait for the people he has been entrusted with to, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Waiting effects us all! Young, old, married, single, rich, poor, healthy or unhealthy, all of us have an opportunity to practice waiting.

How are you waiting?

Let me encourage you from Psalms. 'Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Beth & Belle are 5

I remember the day these baby girls were born in Modesto, California. My mother-in-law just arrived from Sydney Australia, thinking they were already born. Nope, the next day Elisabeth & Isabelle arrived - during the super bowl, mind you - and costing a small fortune!

What a treasure they are to us! Funny you know, out of all of our kids, they are our best sleepers! They love to sleep! The rest of the family is usually up and moving by 6:00 AM. Not Beth & Belle! You will find them snuggling with their blankets and enjoying God's good gift of rest!

Well a new year has been given to us by God with these young ladies! What a privilege to be entrusted to raise twin girls. Oh sure, as they get older and smarter the temptation is to want to lock them away in a room and feed them through a slot in the door. However, that is only a dad wanting to protect them from the world! But you know that is a reflection of my heart, that I am not trusting God's sovereignty over ALL things! Yes, even over my twin girls.

May these girls experience the grace of God in ways that I have only read about! I pray that they will enjoy being daughters of Christ and live joyfully, graciously and freely in the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Happy birthday Beth & Belle! What an honour to be your daddy!