Thursday, November 26, 2009

Encouraging Our Children WHEN They Attempt To Share Their Faith

I came home from work the other day and my son filled me in on his day. He said, "Dad, I need to talk to you about something that happened today when we were out." My first thought was, uh-oh, he's got a sex question. "No worries son" I replied, and promised we would catch up before bed.

I went to see my wife and she filled me in on her day and then gave me a heads up about what Caleb was going to be speaking to me about. To my great delight it was not about sex, but it was about how to share the gospel with other kids more effectively.

My son shared with me how he met a boy, who was a couple years younger than him, who asked him if he believed in God. My son quickly confirmed his belief in God and then asked the boy if he believed in God. The other boy readily confessed that he did not believe in God and did not believe that Jesus was God's Son.

As I was drawing my son out he said to me, "dad, if only I could have remembered the verses you taught me about sharing my faith. I just couldn't remember anything", he said disappointingly.

It was then, that I was able to care for my son and remind my son that it is the Holy Spirit that draws all men to Himself. I was also able to encourage him that it is important to memorise God's Word so that we can share them with others. Yet, I wanted to caution him about his disappointment.

You see, some of that disappointment is good and right. I think it served him to sit with it and be discontented with his effort. My prayer is that God will use this to stir my son into becoming a better evangelist.

However, I thought it appropriate to share with my son that his dad has struggled and fumbled when sharing his faith too. You see, I myself have felt as though my tongue has been tied, or my words were incoherent, but I attempted to give an account for the hope that lies within me. So I encouraged my boy that God uses our words even though we don't think He could, because we shared so poorly. And sometimes when we feel disappointed, this disappointment makes us feel as though, because we can't articulate our thoughts properly, we shouldn't, so we stop.

This can only be a ploy from the evil one. I encouraged my son that we must work hard (together) and practice sharing our faith, and practice giving an account for the HOPE that lies within us!

Not sure if you have thought about equipping your 12 or 10 year old children how to share their faith... but if not - please do!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another Gift Idea

Hey - here's another fantastic book that you can purchase for yourself or for a friend. The book is called, 'War of Words' Getting To The Heart Of Your Communication Struggles. The book has been written by Paul David Tripp and you can purchase a copy by clicking on the title of the book.

If you are unsure about the book's content, have a read of these questions at the end of chapter 1. I trust it whets your appetite!

1. Does your talk with others lead to biblical problem solving?

2. Does your talk have a "stand together" or a "me against him/her/them" posture?

3. Do your words encourage others to be open and honest about their thoughts and feelings?

4. Are you approachable and teachable or defensive and self-protective when talking with others?

5. Is your communication healthy in the principal relationships in your life?

* parent - child

* husband - wife

* extended family

* sibling relationships

* employer - employee

* friend - friend

* body of Christ

* neighbor - neighbor

6. Does your talk encourage faith and personal spiritual growth in those around you?

7. Do you talk with others to develop relationships with them, or do you only talk to solve problems during times of trouble?

8. Do you speak humble and honest words of confession when you sin and words of sincere forgiveness when others sin against you?

9. Do your words reflect a willingness to serve others or a demand that they serve you?

10. As you face the struggles of talk, do you do so with a recognition of the gospel - God's forgiveness, his enabling grace, and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit?

As you can see, some powerful questions and if you want to have a look at Galatians 5:22-23 (click on it) and evaluate yourself, it may serve you well. This will be something I go through with my wife and kids. I am sure it will serve us well!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A CD You Gotta Buy!

Hey, if you are looking for a present to buy someone that will encourage them in their everyday walk with the Lord, could I recommend this:
If you click here: Sons & Daughters - you will be able to purchase this albulm for $12.00 US + a bit of postage. The Aus dollar is very good against the 'Green Back'! Good time to shop like this...

There is a song on this albulm called: God Delights in You! WOW - written by Eric Grover and composed by George Romanacce. It is a wonderful song with a great melody but what's great are the lyrics. I have been hitting repeat, repeat, repeat!

Let me share the words with you:

Calling every daughter
Calling every son
All who've been adopted
Through a sacrafice of love
There's no need for you to fear
Your debts have been cleared

Calling all the downcast
Who feel like they're alone
Anyone who's longing
For a family of their own
God's prepared a place for you
He's calling you to

Come and sing, come and dance
The Father's singing over you
Come rejoice and be glad
For God delights in you, in you
Calling all who've wandered
Gone off on their own
Anyone who wonders
If they're welcome back at home
The God of grace makes all things new
He's calling you to

You choose us to be the objects of your love
In spite of what we have done
You gave your beloved Son to die for us
To make us daugters and sons

c. 2009 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP)

Boy these words humble me! I am grateful for some blokes who worked to serve their brothers and sisters in Christ, all over the world, to reflect on the God of Grace who makes all things new & calls us to come and sing and come and dance...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Got 5 or 10 Minutes? Read this about NOT going to Church...

Have you observed or heard how not being apart of a church is an acceptable idea these days? The 'Jesus & Me' idea has been adopted instead of the 'Jesus & We' instruction. Are you with me? Perhaps you yourself are beginning to entertain this ideology? Could you read this article?

A man that I greatly respect and have alot of time for, is a guy by the name of Jeff Purswell. He is a Dean of the Pastor's College and a pastor at Covenant Life in Gaithersburg Maryland.

He has written a humbling and exciting article entitled, 'Don't Go to Church?'. If you click on the title of this article you will be able to read the article for yourself. I trust you will, it oughta take you about 5-10 minutes!

Friend, I trust this encourages you and challenges you to pray for family & friends who are disillusioned, discouraged, disgruntled or who find no time for the Church. If you yourself find yourself in one of the categories mentioned above, please speak to a trusted Christian friend or a pastor. If you don't know of one, please leave a message & I will seek to serve you any way I can!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What's an Eternal Perspective? Part 2

Glad you came back to check about getting a vision for your family! It's a way we as father's can serve our family! So, before we can put a vision in place perhaps it may serve us to quickly consider what is eternal:

Eternity is a mystery that is very profound. This topic can really do your head in. Especially if you read some of the great minds who attempt to dumb it down for us. And there are many and varied views about this topic, but in any case, because we find it difficult to understand, we shouldn't just put it in the 'too hard basket'. I think we ought to wrestle with this idea because frankly, whether we like it or not, eternity is real!

How do I know this? Well because I believe what the Bible says. The Bible makes several references to heaven, judgement, eternal life (Jn. 3:16). The Bible also talks about being absent from the body and being present with the Lord. In fact, when Jesus left the earth He said, "I am going to prepare a place for you... that where I am there you may be also..." (Jn. 14). This confirms that something happens after we die. What happens? Well according to the Bible it's either heaven or hell.

Don't know where you are at, but for me, it helps me to live with eternity in mind. And yet, this also begs the question, how do we do this?

As a father I am learning more and more. I am responsible to equip my wife and children with the truth. If I don't do this, then I am not loving them or caring for them. Even if I don't understand the topic or the consequences, I don't think this releases me from my responsibility. I need not abdicate my role as a husband and father, however I need to be diligent and intentional about equipping my wife and children with truth. Now here's the catch: I need and want to serve my family with Biblical truth not worldly wisdom. There is a difference. And I think that right there is how you put into place a vision that has an eternal perspective for your family.

Let me offer you where I would start - I would start with the "GOOD NEWS" = the GOSPEL! Can I offer you this warning? Never grow comfortable or familiar with this story, but rehearse its' mysteries and truths daily! It's a temptation I face and you may too, so I offer this warning! But in saying that, if you do this, you will find it will help you put into place a vision for your family that seeks to glorify God and will, in turn, bless your wife and kids socks off!

I think it would be appropriate for me to remind myself of this amazing Good NEWS!!! Jesus (what a Savior) is born of a virgin, living a perfect/sinless life. Healing and delivering many people, as well as teaching thousands the ways of God. He is later falsely accused, lied about, misrepresented and yet never sinning or retaliating (staggering to consider), is nailed to a cross and dies on our behalf. Then 3 days later He raises from the dead, conquering death! Praise His Holy Name! After He rose from the dead, He then reveals himself to approximately 500 witnesses and ascends to heaven many days later, and took His rightful place at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us! Wow & Hallelujah!

Brothers, putting a vision together for your family will look different than mine because my wife and children will be different than yours. Your wife's temptations and weaknesses will be different as will your children's. But here's where the hard work is required. You must listen and observe your wife and children... and after you have done that for a few weeks, and spent some time praying and asking God for wisdom, then I reckon you will have come up with a wonderful vision for your family that will glorify the God who gave you life, a wife & those kids...

May you plan & parent with an eternal perspective, for the glory of our Great GOD & King!

What's an Eternal Perspective? Part 1

Hey Guys -

Do you know what an eternal perspective is?

When I speak of an eternal perspective, I am speaking of a vision or view that goes way beyond this life time.

Eternal means: "without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing; enduring; immutable; perpetual; ceaseless; endless."

Whereas perspective means: "a view or vista; a mental view or outlook; a point of view" (definitions courtesy of

So guys - whats your vision for your family? To be rich, healthy, smart, popular, athletic, chic magnet, ladies man, "nice guy", a beauty, school captain? What is the vision you have for your family?

What? You don't have a vision?

Ahhhh - join the crowd! Many don't! In fact, I didn't either. I was just letting life pass me by. Unaware of who was influencing my children and telling them what they should become. TV adds, magazines, teachers, peers, sports stars, movie stars, radio commentators, adds at the shops! You know what I'm talken about - aye? Our kids are getting it every which way they go.

SO here we must first of all get a vision for our family. OK -now how do I do that you ask?

Glad you asked - cause I want to share with you how to get an vision that has an eternal perspective -

so come back soon and let's look at what is eternal!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Preparing for your daughters to Marry...

Hey Dads...

Do you remember when you saw your wife walking down the isle? I do, almost like it was yesterday. My bride to be took my breath away... I must find a picture to show you all how stunning she looked - One day, I will do that!

Anyway - my wife has been culling and attempting to down-size some of the things we have. So it's a perfect time for us to be going through boxes and trying to rid ourselves of more "stuff" and in the process many memories and things have been found, one being her wedding veil. So my wife sent out Keziah in her wedding veil and I was dumb founded!

She (Keziah) said, "daddy, I'm getting married!"

Of course then she asks if "I think she looks pretty?" I readily affirm her beauty as I am still trying to get over the shock of seeing my little girl in her mummy's wedding veil.

What a special thing when you consider your daughter one day marrying a godly guy who will lead her and spend his life with her... I hope he will do a better job that I have done with my bride - but that's another story...

All I know is... I need to go and pray - because I have five daughters and that means I will have 5 son in laws, poor dudes! LOL

I must say - what a responsibility parenting 5 daughters with an eternal perspective... Grace - we need Grace!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Preaching vs. Worship?

WOW - have you ever read something that you really agree with, and yet there is this tinge of barb that comes with it? That 'barb' actually stings as you read it. You want to argue it - you want to excuse it & yet you know that what you are reading is right, however it requires adjusting your thinking and also perhaps your practises. In fact as you ponder the truth a bit longer you realise that it is going to cost? Cost? Yea, cost when some of your closest and dearest won't agree with your conviction.

This is what I experienced when I read Jeff Purswells article: 'Preaching vs. Worship? '

I trust this article challenges you and serves you too...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Church Planting

Here is a really helpful article by Dave Harvey - who explains why Sovereign Grace seek to plant churches...

I hope this serves you and encourages you...

Here is the article 'Why Plant Churches?' by: Dave Harvey

Friday, November 6, 2009

Have you ever had someone speak so rudely to you?

Have you ever had someone speak to you so rudely you wanted to clock them? Well if so, read on!

This week was really difficult for me. Why? Because I have never been spoken to so disrespectfully! This week I was assisting some senior high kids with their end of year assessments. It was like extracting teeth or something. I was totally unprepared for what I was thrown into, however, God in His kindness revealed so much to me.

Here's what I learned in a big nut-shell: When I was spoken rudely too by these young kids - I totally got angry! I wanted to yell and swear back at them. Why? because I don't deserve to be spoken to like that! Yet when I was driving home from work, that night, I thought about my Savior walking down the Via Dolarosa... It was a long walk ! - He has just been beaten bloody. And yet He walked this long path to Golgotha, and on the way, insults were hurled at Him. He was spat upon, His hair pulled, His beard yanked, & face slapped - and HE
N-E-V-E-R - retaliated!!! - WHY NOT???? He had every right!!!

You know as I sat in the car and thought, I was so humbled! These kids have no idea who the Savior of the world is. They have no idea the cost that has been paid for them - or they don't understand. They don't understand why Jesus Christ died for us and yet I was there once. Not caring and blinded by my own pride, selfishness and anger.

Then this morning, I read Ephesians chapter 2 and it was verses 4&5 that caught my attention: "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved -"

Brothers, God is so amazingly rich in mercy it truly is indescribable. That's why Jesus never retaliated! Because being God, He is rich in mercy and He knew we were dead in our trespasses and He was about His Father's business!

As I reflected on this I thought about my lack of mercy to others when they speak in a way that is harsh, rude or degrading. You see, here's the thing, I don't deserve the grace I have been given and when I go down that track of thinking about what I deserve - that's asking for trouble, because what I deserve is, hell! Yet God in His great love, loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses... For it is truly by grace that I have been saved...

Once we truly understand this & continue to preach the truth to ourselves instead of buying into worldly thinking, we will be able to be about our Father's business praying for those we work with to have an encounter with our mighty Savior, Jesus Christ.

Brothers, if you have a boss or colleague that is rude, demanding, unkind, hurtful or sarcastic: let me encourage you to shower them with grace - the same grace that God extended to you when you were once in darkness, because perhaps they are in darkness and don't know what the Savior has done for them!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Visiting our new Church Family

Some of you may know that I am part of a team of people who are planting a church called Sovereign Grace Ministries Australia. Well this past week we were in Sydney with folk who are going to be apart of this process.
It was truly humbling and amazing. In fact we are so excited about this, though it has been a tough process, and yet, as one friend put it, "First and foremost just give God some serious praise for the way He has provided for me and blessed my socks off throughout my time here", and that is something my family and I have experienced over the past 11 months of being where we are.

You know, we are so grateful to God for His kindness and goodness to us - especially in sending this dear couple to us from Wales!

Dave & Emma Taylor... We thank God for you!

We are excited about what lies ahead! But also about doing life with this fine group of men and women! YEEOW!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today I want to share some thoughts with you from my hero: CH Spurgeon.

He writes, "Prayer is instantly noticed in heaven." How incredible to consider that. Think with me for a moment, how many times do our childen come to us and call our name, but we are doing something different and we don't quite give the child our full attention? And yet, when we pray there is an instant notice from God to us, His children!

Spurgeon goes on to state that, "Our God not only hears our prayers but also loves to hear it." Doesn't that just make you want to pray now? God not only hears our prayers but He loves to hear our prayers! That is so amazing...

As I have thought about this today, and today has been challenging for me, I think of how often I don't pray but just think about things instead of talking to God and asking for wisdom, or love or insight...

I am reminded today :
"Faith asks no signal from skies,
To show that prayers accepted rise,
Our Priest is in His holy place,
And answers from the throne of grace."