Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Broken Heart Because of Sin

Yesterday was Abigail's birthday. My oldest girl is now 9. As I sat across from her yesterday during devotions, I could not help but be amazed at how quickly time has flown. Meg put it well yesterday. There is no need to rush her out of her innocence of childhood. She is just 9 years old, though she is very mature, we can cherish these times with her and prayerfully instruct her in Biblical femininity.

Now even though it was Abigail's birthday, sin does not take a break. We had a fairly busy day yesterday and about 2:00 pm we had a moment when we were all together. Thankfully Caleb and Abigail reported on a situation that took place that they were upset about.

As they discussed what took place and Meg and I were able to provide instruction and guidance. I noticed that our son was pretty upset. Clarifying why he was upset he said, "because I realize what I have done."

We discussed the appropriate reconciliation steps that would be best. He agreed that that was what he wanted to do but he said, "dad, can we pray first?" As he prayed for the other person and asked for forgiveness, his mother and I were so humbled by his understanding of his sin, but also by his broken heart for his sin. Caleb recognized that he was wrong and was so upset that he had hurt someone else, but he wanted to make things right with God first!

What a great reminder for Meg and I. We can sometimes recognize that we have done something wrong, but we excuse ourselves. "I'm just tired", "They were rude to me", "I was just saying", and so the excuses go on in our hearts, but all the while, the Holy Spirit waits for us to reconcile to God and to man.

Sometimes we know we have hurt someone and we make it right with man - but we don't make it right with God. We need to do both!

May our hearts not grow hardened to sin.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Meg's Miscellaneous Monday Mentions!

Welcome to another glorious Monday! Today is a special day in the Chavez household as we celebrate Abigail's 9th birthday. Needless to say, we were all up at the crack of dawn, everyone too excited to sleep! Six little pyjama-ed feet raced downstairs (ok, so Keziah didn't quite race...she had to be carried...as did Elisabeth, who is carrying a 'wrestling' injury to her foot!) to see what amazing decorations awaited them. It is honestly a joy to us as parents to see all of our kids getting so much joy out of celebrating their siblings' birthdays, rather than just their own.
This week I have thought a lot about Abby turning 9. The usual reflections and questions like, "How did she grow up so fast? When did she jump from 9 months to 9 years?" run through my mind. I ponder these questions with every child's' birthday as I see before my very eyes the changes that are taking place in all of them. I praise God for the people they are becoming, especially as the older ones deepen in their faith and understanding of God.

While recognising that their growing up and maturing is all part of Gods' plan for them, and that our job as parents is to help prepare them for adulthood, I am reluctant to allow the pull of our culture to drag them into adolescence or adulthood before their time. In light of this battle to keep our children 'little kids' for as long as possible, I thought that this quote from Melanie over at 'This Ain't New York' presents some good advice in regards to not letting society dictate when our children will grow up. It is aimed at girls, but I think can equally apply to letting boys be little boys as long as they can on their way to manhood.

We need to let our little girls be little girls. Let them wear their princess pj's a little longer. Let them get their knees dirty. Let them dress up just to dress up. Let them have a boy friend and not label it "boyfriend." Let them be Little.

There are little girls acting like pop stars, pop stars acting like little girls, and young teens cutting, starving, hurting themselves and each other. There are six-year-old girls playing with dolls that look like street walkers and street walkers gaining fame from governors.

You can read the rest of her post here. I highly recommend it, especially for those of you who have little girls. I hope this encourages you as you seek to parent your children for Gods' glory!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lest We Forget!

Yesterday, here in Australia, we celebrated Anzac Day. A day where Australians remember soldiers who have fallen in battle.

The day starts early with dawn services held at different war memorials around the country that have been erected to remember those brave soldiers.

Some of these services are televised, so you can watch them from the comfort of your home, instead of the normal cold and sometimes wet environments that many of the soldiers would have been all too familiar with.

As a migrant to this country, I found this Anzac Day to be quite moving. As my wife and children sat around the TV watching the addresses and presentations, I could not help but remember the instructions of Deuteronomy 6. Here we find instructions to teach our children the laws and decrees from the Lord. Not only the laws and decrees but also of how the Lord had delivered them from the hand of Pharaoh in Egypt.

Dad's, I think it is important to remind our children that the freedom we have as a country is thanks to some very brave men who served their country - however, I believe it is more than that. You see, these men who fought for our country are heroes. They are to be applauded! But it is vital to teach our children that God is the one who gives the victory! For He is bringing about His plans and purposes. It is His ultimate end that we are headed. His eternal Kingdom!

Teach your children about the heroic actions of men who have laid down their life for our country. But don't miss the opportunity to tell them of the most amazing sacrifice - God loving sinners so much that he sent his one and only Son, so that we might have eternal life.

Too extreme? Not for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

(photos courtesy of Herald Sun)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Awake in the Night?

For some reason I was wide awake at 2:30 AM. This has happened twice now, since my wife has been away. I must confess, there has been an element of fear inside, but on my lips, the name of "Jesus" springs forth. I have nothing to fear. He is with me!

So after I preach to myself, I get up and move around. Today, my wife and kids are coming home. I am quite excited about that!

This got me thinking about others. How many others awake in the night and struggle with fear?

I heard a wonderful sermon one time about being awake in the night. The sermon pointed us to the Psalms, which tells us of what David did in the night. "He remembered your name in the night, O Lord, and kept your law" (Psalms 119:53). "At midnight I rise to praise you, because of your righteous rules" (Psalms 119:62).

Do you think like this? If not, may I encourage you to alter your thinking in this way?

For me, there is alot happening in our lives as a family. I am finishing my degree, and new things are on the horizon. It is an exciting time, and yet as a father, knowing I have 7 other people in tow, I am mindful of how these changes will effect each and everyone of my family members. I am aware of the strengths of each member of my family in handling change, but also the weaknesses and temptations they will face.

Now I have a part to play in this change, but my role is not supreme. You see, I am learning that God is in control. He is the one who brings about His plan's and purposes. My job is to pray and encourage and remind and rejoice and celebrate and correct and rebuke and exhort my family members as we keep our eyes on Him through these unknown days and times. I can't lead my family in the ways of the Lord, unless I am spending time with Him. Sometimes it is at 2:30 in the morning!

Can I tell you something - these are sweet times!

What a wonderful, awesome privilege it is to lay our burdens down and declare how great and awesome, and worthy, and holy, and gracious, and majestic our God is!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Encouragement for the Heart!

My wife is once again serving me. She has taken all 6 children to her mum's place so that I can get some work done. I am so blessed!

These times can be challenging when we are apart because, as I am at home studying, Meg is at her mum's serving our kids and training them regarding issues of the heart.

While she is away, I have the privilage of studying God's Word and being freshly amazed by how great God is. How worthy He is of all of our life.

I sent my wife this text message yesterday to encourage her. These words are from John Piper, in his book, 'Desiring God'. "The tree of faith grows only in the heart that craves the supreme gift that Christ died to give: not health, not wealth, not prestige but God!"

How good are these words. Do we crave gifts from God - or do we crave God? Now for me, as I read words like this, I am humbled and encouraged. I want to share these words with everyone! So ... I am telling you too! God ALONE is to be our desire, first and foremost! Do you live with this truth?

Let me give you one more quote, and then I better get back to the books. John Piper says, "All sin comes from not putting supreme value on the glory of God. This is the very essence of sin."

How confronting and uncomfortable is this? As I read this, I thought of all the ways I have lacked in putting supreme value on the glory of God in my life. I can see the truth in this. You see, I put myself, my desires, my lusts, my ideas, my finances, my family as supreme instead of God. When I put myself first - I am not putting God first. I then fulfill the desires of my flesh instead of living and loving the Lord with all my heart, all my soul & all my mind.

May our prayer be something like this: Forgive me Lord! Please forgive me for not putting supreme value of your glory in my Life. You are so worthy oh Lord! Help me, change me, draw me and help me to place you in your rightful position. There is no one like you Oh Lord! May Your Kingdom come and may Your Will be done! In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tongues and Rudders

Today I want to share with you from James 3:1-12. It is a very powerful passage, that challenges us about the use of our tongues. Though a small bit - leaves lasting impressions.

To master this most uncontrollable and contradictory member of the body is to have perfect self-control. Boy I desire this. When you think about it, only a spark can light a massive forest fire. In the same way, a single word can be just as destructive. How are you using your tongue?

The other image that James uses is that of a ship rudder. Now there are huge vessels in the sea that are being moved about by these small rudders. How easy it is for the small instruments in our mouth, called the tongue, to direct our conversations. When you think of it, our tongues can be used to encourage or to really hurt and wound others.

James 3:1-12 (New International Version)
1) Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2) We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. 3) When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4) Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5) Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6) The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 7) All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed by man, 8) but no man can tame, the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9) With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10) Out of same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11) Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12) My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

There is so much in this passage of Scripture. Allow me to highlight something else for you in verse 6, which may be difficult to get our heads around. It seems to mean that through the tongue, 'all evil characteristics of a fallen world find expression'. I think that we can understand this to mean that, it not only pollutes the whole personality, it's evil influence, continues through the whole course of life. So you hurt others with your words as a kid, you may grow up practicing this type of behavior as an adult. Damaging everyone in your life.

You hear that, 'sticks and stones may break bones, but words will never hurt'? Well it is clearly not true! Children are hurt by words. I have done it to my own children. Careless, unhelpful comments are not going to build up our family members. They are going to tear down and destroy.

I was speaking to my wife this morning and telling her about this passage. She did not have to say a word. I know in myself - this is something I need to work on! But actually, I need to repent of this before my Heavenly Father and ask Him to guide my speech. You see, I can't do this on my own! Oh, I can try to fix it myself - but that won't last. God has to change my heart!

May God change our heart's men! For His Glory!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


May your Sabbath day be used to refocus your thoughts on Him and His Word!

Remember the cross and what that means for you!

Remember where we are headed!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Special Family Outing

Yesterday, we loaded the kids in the van and headed to Acer Arena. There we were, in the crowd of others watching Troy & Gabriella, in High School Musical on Ice.

Now I have to make a confession. I am not a lot of fun at events like this. I don't know why, other then I get aggravated by the highway robbery of the event holders pushing their merchandise. Meg rightfully pointed out to me that, I need to smile more. I hear this often, so possibly I do need to.

The kids were so excited and I must confess, I had so much fun watching my kids expressions, more then I did watching the actual show. What a joy it is to see your kids enjoying themselves. Laughing, smiling and... uhhhh... singing at the top of their lungs... We are truly blessed!
Enjoy your kids this weekend. Tell them that you love them! You know, one way you can show your kids that you love them, is by taking care of your bride! Love her in front of the kids. Respect her in front of the kids. This sets an example for them!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tempting our Children to SIN?

Caleb and I did not get to have our time together last night because, I had a few mates around for dinner. However, knowing that our plans were altered, Caleb and I spent some time together on Tuesday.

On Tuesday morning we headed out to a place that I had not been before. We were going to collect some furniture. Now I am directionally challenged, as my wife puts it. It is true! However because I know this, it causes me to be quite anxious within myself. My pride then does not want to show that I am a bit timid, to be tracking to somewhere new. Fearful that I may get lost and not be able to find my way home! Silly? Yes!

Well, my wife wrote out directions and as we got closer to our time of departure I was getting snippy and irritable. I brought a bit of tension into the home! Then I exited the home leaving my wife with five children. Now on our way out the way door, I am snapping at my son about his "irresponsibility" in asking for some chewing gum, just as we are leaving. Surely he knew that his mum would be left to deal with the other children not getting gum at 9:00AM in the morning.

So within 3-5 minutes, I had upset the household.

Caleb and I got into the car and began to drive, and I was re-playing what just took place and thinking, why Patrick? Why do you do this? Why do you take your anxiety out on your family instead of placing them at Jesus' feet? Why don't you just talk to your Heavenly Father about it? I looked over at my son and was reminded that I am role modeling for him. Is that how he should treat his wife and children? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

After wrestling with my pride for a few kilometers, I apologised to Caleb. He is so quick to forgive me! I don't understand why! But I am so grateful.

Then as we traveled, we had a wonderful time of discussion. We discussed what I and his mom do, that tempts him to sin. That may be a foreign concept to you. Discussing what tempts children to sin, but as I have listened to other men teach about raising children this is a helpful conversation to be had.

Some ways that Caleb shared with me are these:
  • When we are inconsistent
  • When we are grumpy (with each other)
  • In our tones of voice (being demanding)
I don't know about you, but knowing how my behavior tempts my son to sin, motivates me to action.

Ephesians 6:4 teaches me that, 'I am not to exasperate my children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.'

May we do this well - For HIS glory!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Faith w/o Works is Dead

James 2:14-26 is a fairly confronting passage of Scripture. Look at these words:

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has not deeds? Can such faith save him? 15) Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16) If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17) In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18) But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. 19) You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder. 20) You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? 21) Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22) You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23) And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God's friend. 24) You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone. 25) In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26) As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

When you read God's word, I pray it shapes your thinking. You see, this is how we understand what God desires for us. This is how we learn from scripture. Faith is required just as are works. Faith is believing in what we cannot see. However, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Rahab and so many others did not see the Christ. Yet their faith motivated them to action.

How is your faith? Is it dead?

I love verse 19. You believe in God? Good! - even the demons believe... They tremble at his voice, and they flee!

We must live out our faith! We must apply God's Word to our lives. In my 1599 Geneva Bible, the notes that assist in bringing understanding to God's Words are helpful. It says. "The conclusion; faith which bringeth not forth fruits and works, is not faith, but a dead carcass."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

'The Precious blood of Christ'

I have been enjoying once again, the 'Morning and Evening' daily readings by C.H. Spurgeon. To be honest this mornings has left me breathless. Why? Because I see in myself an ability to make light or grow comfortable and complacent with the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Do you?

This morning the writing is about how precious is the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:19). Spurgeon paints a beautiful word picture. Imagine yourself standing at the cross. You see blood pouring out of His hands. You see blood running down His feet. You see blood gushing from His side. But this blood is what makes you and I white as snow.

Have you ever seen an expensive bottle of perfume spill? Have you ever witnessed someone lapping up a favorite spilled drink on a table that they have knocked over? They actually, (I have seen) lick it off the table. Now I am not suggesting we should be licking the blood of Jesus off a table! I am saying however, that it is helpful to remember what this blood represents.
  • This blood is a cleansing power! This blood cleanses us from all sin! It removes the stains of sin. It makes us right with God. It permits us to stand accepted in Christ.
  • This blood has preserving power! The accuser may remind us of our past, yet our future is secure because of the blood of Jesus.
  • This blood has a sanctifying influence! Not only does this blood make us clean, but by remembering the blood that was shed for us, quickens our new nature to stop sin and to follow the commands of God.
  • This blood has an overcoming power! Sin dies at it's presence. Death ceases to be death and heavens gates are opened because of the blood of Jesus!
Trust in the blood of Jesus for it conquers and has defeated!

Oh the blood of Jesus - it washes white as snow!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Megs Miscellaneous Monday Mentions

Welcome to another glorious Monday morning (or Sunday afternoon for those of you on the other side of the planet!)! This week, I wanted to particularly encourage the ladies out there, especially (but not limited to!) those of us who are wives and mothers. So guys, please pass these links along to your wives - I believe they will be challenged and encouraged like I was.

First up is a great article by John Macarthur regarding the ways parents can provoke their children. I was personally challenged and convicted by this article. It made me look closely at how it is that I may provoke and exasperate my children at times. For example, my desire for a clean and tidy house often overrides the need to love, nurture and care for my children in a kind and patient way. I can direct and order them around as though they are troops in the military, which can provoke them to anger and frustration, rather than provoke them to 'love and good works'. Take time to read the article and ask the Lord to show you areas where you may be provoking your children, and ask Him to help you change the way in which you may lead your kids.

The next post I thought very helpful, was from the Blazing Center, regarding finding joy in the mundane things of our everyday lives. I know that as a stay-at-home mother of 6, it can be easy to lose my joy as I go about the mundane tasks that I do day after day after day. I was encouraged that I should continue to do everything with joy in my heart, and do it as though I were doing it for the Lord! Wow! I think my family would see a different woman if I were to wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean the bathroom as though I were doing it for the King of kings!!! Today, my 3 youngest are sick (again!) , and I am freshly aware that I need Gods' divine grace to give me joy, even in the midst of sick kids! I pray that you would be reminded of the joy that bubbles up from within when our hope is fixed on the Lord, and not on our circumstances or the tasks set before us.

Lastly, here is a very helpful post from CJ Mahaney's blog about handling criticism. CJ and his wife Carolyn were addressing a group of pastors' and their wives who are preparing to begin full time ministry. The article is actually addressing wives, and how they can be most helpful when their husbands are criticized (both fairly and unfairly, or in an ungodly manner). Although this is aimed at a small group of people starting full time ministry, I thought the overall counsel given in relation to criticism was helpful to all of us. It can definitely be beneficial and applied to how both spouses may help when the other is criticized, and also when your children may be criticized. We all know the tendencies we have to both defend ourselves in the face of criticism, but even more fiercely defend our loved ones such as our spouses and children. I think the Mahaneys' give a very biblical and Godly view of how we should, with God's grace, respond when those around us may not be so kind in their judgments of us.

Well, that's all from me! I pray you will find great joy in the Lord this week as you continue to serve Him... and remember that you are serving Him, even while changing nappies, doing the dishes, the laundry or working in your office!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Soccer

Last week was Caleb's first ever soccer game. He came home with this! It was pretty exciting for us to see this, especially for is brother and four sisters. It was pretty funny watching his little brother honoring him. He wanted to make sure that Caleb got in the van first, and got out of the van first. Noah wanted to hold the door open for him when he got home! It was pretty cool. He kept saying, "your a champion Caleb!"

What was so humbling was when Caleb called his Nanny & Poppy. Hearing him tell his Nanny & Poppy that, "he couldn't have done it without the Lord's help."

Today is another opportunity for him to go out and play with all of his strength. And while he plays and plays hard, he has another opportunity to play as unto the Lord. Not leaving his Christianity at home or on the sidelines, but playing with those charcter traits that God calls us as believers to walk in. But not just for Caleb. For Meg and I to exhibit these traits as we watch.
This morning the game is early. So therefore as parent's we need to early, remind him of the privilge and opportunity to play.

When we see the world as an opportunity to shine the love of Christ around, may we seize every opportunity. Even when it comes to training our children.

I hear the excitement of the family building upstairs as we go out early. It is 6:22AM! There is great joy and excitment that comes from training your kids. Seeing and hearing them encourage each other is quite wonderful.

Can I encourage you that when you sow - you sometimes reap in area's early! It is truly rewarding to parent having an eternal perspective in mind.

May God be glorified in your family as you seek to lead your family with an eternal perspective!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Abi's Amazing Art!

It is amazing to see your children's skills develop. You notice each one is differently gifted by God in various ways. My oldest daughter Abigail seems to have a great eye for art. I was thinking I will post a few for you, every now and then... These have been done on the computer, using an art program. I think this is pretty clever!

Abigail is turning 9 in a few weeks. My wife and I are so humbled by her acts of service and her desire to serve and love the Lord. We are often "wowed" by her love for God's Word and her understanding of Scripture at such a young age! Truly she is a gift from the Lord! What a privilege to have this young lady in our home. We find so much joy training her up with an eternal perspective!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Holding Grudges? It Stinks!

Do you work with someone or live with someone who irritates you?

Last night Caleb and I discussed this in our time together. We talked about holding a grudge. We defined "grudge" in this way. A grudge is the inward reluctance to give or it's the unwillingness to benefit the people you resent. In other words when you are holding a grudge against someone you cut them out of your life, even when they are in the same room with you. You won't smile and only talk if absolutely required. If you are a good grudge holder, you won't even look at the other person either. This person (holding the grudge) refuses to acknowledge their presence but can be pleasant to everyone else.

Sometimes husbands hold grudges against their wives. The wife didn't do something he thought she should, or maybe she did something that she shouldn't have. It might be big or little. Another name for a grudge: the cold shoulder. He doesn't talk with her, doesn't smile at her. Oh he will still eat the food she makes, but acts as if he is alone.

Grudges require work though. Emotionally, you must keep the sour feelings. Mentally, you must remain alert not to smile or look kind. To be truthful, a day of grudge holding is physically exhausting. Sadly, with training, some are able to keep and maintain an intense grudge for years.

This is not the way God desires to benefit the world through us. He designed us to be a vessel in which His Spirit grows and bears fruit. He wants to display mercy, forgiveness and goodwill everywhere we go. You and I are like a pipe He wants to use to pour goodness into the world. The problem? We have the ability to clog the pipes.

Matthew 5:43-48 "You have heard that it is said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

The natural tendency to avoid others we don't like, is contrary to Gods desire to bless the unjust. If we want God to use us, we must let Him love the unlovely through us. This means, those who hate and mistreat us are people God wants to bless through our generous forgiving attitudes, open hearts, and bright smiles. Instead of being a clogged pipe, God wants us to be clear vessels, cheerfully blessing the evil and the good.

When we hold a grudge we think we are punishing others by withholding our wonderful self. We may think, If I don't smile at them; they'll feel the pain; that'll serve them right. But in actual fact, the opposite is true! Your the one punishing yourself because you lose the privilege of delivering God's water of life. You and I are the ones who become stagnate and stink. We are the ones emotionally drained. We miss God's joy and fellowship.

It is the nature of God to love sinners. They fight and curse against Him. In return He showers the best on them. If a man desires to live a Christian life, he must learn to cooperate with God, to be His vessel to a fallen race of people!

I had to apologize to my family last night for the poor example that I have set for them. I have been a grudge holder! It is draining and my pipes have been clogged. My wife and son were quick to forgive me and my pipe is clear. I desire to reflect the nature of God. To love sinners! To shower the best on others.

What a privilege to serve the King with an eternal perspective in mind...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment - James 2:13

I love Gods Word! I love it because it reveals truth. You see "wisdom lies in knowing God and knowing oneself", Calvin teaches us. So wisdom starts with God. Not the reverse. So what we learn from this is that, knowledge moves us to consider our place in honoring God. Truly this is a gift from Him, in order that we might come to know Him and honor Him with our life.

I have been really enjoying reading the book of James. Admittedly James is a little difficult to read through, because of its many starts and stops, twists and turns. However along with seeing the threads that hold things together, let me highlight a matter that should help us to read this letter with a better understanding.

When reading, we will find the letter to have a variety of kinds of material in it, all of it directed specifically at Christian behavior, rather than proposing Christian doctrine. Included are a number of sayings that look like Old Testament wisdom on the one hand and the teachings of Jesus on the other. That is to say that as much as the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) often present the teaching of Jesus in the form of sayings, which at times ring with echoes of Jewish wisdom, so we find in James.

I think it is helpful to tell you this because in chapter two verses one to thirteen we are going to read that to care for the poor means to show no favoritism toward the rich; to do so is sin, and to do otherwise - to lack mercy - means to come under judgment. Let's look at the words together...

James 2:1-13
My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. Suppose a man comest into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you." but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a law breaker.
Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!

You know, as dad's we have a great opportunity to model for our wife and children how to care for the poor and needy. Actually, we are already doing this! A good question to ask ourselves is how do we act when we meet a potential client who wants to use our business/services vs. the way a beggar on the streets needs our assistance?

I have a lasting memory of my dad, a successful business man, who was greeted by a beggar in a parking lot of a shopping center. He was approached by this man who reaked of alcohol. I was watching very intently as to what my dad was going to do. If memory serves me I got into the car and rolled the window down so I could hear what was being said. But what I saw has helped me shape my way of helping the poor. Let me tell you what my dad did. My dad spent time talking to this man for awhile, and then after listening to him this is what he did. He offered the man to go back into the grocery store and buy him a sandwich and some water. He refused to give the man cash because he did not want him to use it on alcohol. I was so proud of my dad for the way he handled this. It truly has helped me to have a care for the poor but also provided me with a way to help others.

Now this is not to say I would never offer cash to someone, but I was grateful to be with my dad who modeled for me how to care for the poor, for truly he did care for the poor. He listened and then prayed and then provided.

Dad's, God has given you resources! This is a gift of grace upon your life! Use it wisely! For His glory- keeping your eyes on eternity!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Listen To Your Bride...

The purpose of this Blog is to get us as men to think of why we do what we do. Especially in the areas of our relationship with Christ, our wife and our children.

I desire to encourage you in the way that you love the Lord with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds (Matthew 22:37). The way that you love your wife, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-33). And finally in the way that you train up your children in the way in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Yesterday my bride provided two articles for you. One about our kids and one about the struggle of doing quiet times. Let me share something with you today, about listening to your bride.

I have a couple of questions that I ask Meg. Now I have to really prepare my heart to ask Meg these questions, because these questions are an open door for her to say whatever she likes. However the benefits are worth it. So let me share these questions with you. I trust they will serve you as you serve your wife.

1) What are you thinking?
2) Where is your heart?
3) Is there anything bothering you?
4) Is there something that I am doing that is upsetting you?
5) Are you observing a pattern of sin in me?
6) Is there a bad habit you notice I am adopting?

Now, my wife is very sensitive in what she shares. Last night was our "date" night. How do you do date night when you have six kids? Well we have a few creative ideas because, I am still studying at a theological institute and money is tight but we try to be creative. Nevertheless Monday nights is a time for us to be honest and download. Possibly we should pick another night for this as it can ruin the intimacy factor... However it is important that we spend time together and I listen to Meg and not be defensive.

I am so grateful for my wife's eyes. She is able to see my heart and my desires better then anyone else. I want her to tell me her concerns and to help me see sin encroaching in. But it takes alot of humility to hear what is being said.

Let me tell you, I don't always do it right, but by God's grace He enables us to hear and respond.

Here are some helpful ways to respond to hearing our wife's observations.

1) Thank you for telling me this...
2) I am very sorry for hurting you...
3) Will you continue to point these things out?
4) Is there anything else you are observing?
5) Will you pray for me?

Here are some unhelpful ways to respond to hearing our wife's observations. (Coming from experience brothers)

1) Silence!!!
2) Well... YOU...
3) All you do is nit pic at me...
4) Walking away!
5) Defending yourself and attacking her...

Again, by God's grace I am learning and growing in these areas.

I hope you can love and serve your wife with an eternal perspective - for HIM who gave Himself for us!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Megs' Miscellaneous Monday Mentions

Patrick has allowed me a "weekly guest appearance" on his blog! He may regret that decision later... but for now, I shall plunge in and direct you to some good reading that I have found elsewhere in the Blogosphere this week! (Every effort has been made to only link you to other websites that are Biblically sound. However, as we have most likely not read everything posted on the websites we link to, we can not vouch for the content of the entire website. If you come across anything 'unsavoury', please don't hesitate to let us know!)
The following article was an excellent reminder for us all as parents (and grandparents) to be praying for our children/grandchildren. It is God who draws people to Himself, but we may never know the effect that our prayers may have in the lives of our children and the children of future generations. You can read the full article here!

Next up is some encouragement for those of us who struggle to get up early to spend time reading the Bible and praying (yes, that would include both Patrick and I!!!). With all of our very busy and tiring schedules, it can be a constant struggle for many of us to daily spend time with the Lord. Morning comes around too fast, midday is too busy, and by the time evening rolls around, other things such as the tv, a good book (not the Good Book) or sleeping holds a far greater attraction than spending time with the Lord. Believe me when I tell you that I do not say these things out of condemnation, but rather out of my own daily struggle with the very things I have mentioned above!!!

"I’m now 54 years old, so even after 35 years, I can assure you tomorrow morning when I first awaken, the first voice I hear will be a voice of protest. That voice will be distinctly the presence of indwelling sin appealing to me and seeking to persuade me to stay in bed. That voice never subsides. And that voice also negotiates, so that if I make an initial movement, that voice doesn’t subside and assume that that voice has
lost. No. That voice continues to exert effort, and then presents to me various distractions."

CJ goes onto say:

"Actually, I would say that the initial challenge is just
getting out of bed. That is why I would recommend for all who are listening to set your radio alarm across the room. Here has what’s helped me in the past: place the radio alarm across the room and set it to a country radio station. That motivates me out of bed!"

In light of this, Patrick and I took great encouragement from the words of CJ Mahaney, who has shared his own struggles of getting up out of bed every day to spend time with his Savior first. We were challenged to keep on praying for the strength we need daily to make time with the Lord a priority, even over a few more minutes of much needed sleep!

Well, that's all from me! Bless you all and have an awesome week serving the Lord!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sabbath with Popcorn & Footy

Last night we moved our clocks back to gain an extra hour of sleep... Did it happen (the extra sleep)? Nope! However, we went to church and were greatly encouraged. What was even funnier... We were ready for church an hour earlier. I was ready to walk out the door at 7:30 AM when we usually leave between 8:30 - 8:45.

Needless to say we are laggin' a bit this afternoon. The popcorn smell and buzz of the football gathering is happening... I hope I make it through the first quarter, I am afraid I might be catching some zzzz's before church tonight...

Enjoy your family, both your biological family and your church family. They are a gift of grace on our lives, from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday Soccer

Last Sunday evening a mate of mine preached on Titus 2:9-15. It was really helpful. One thing that struck me, was how he applied God's Word to our life.

One illustration he used was about sports. He was sharing how amazed he is when he watches Christians play sport. He was observing how, it seems that Christians don't apply godliness when it comes to sport, or they have this idea that God's Word does not apply to athletic pursuits. They yell, swear, shove, elbow, cheat & carry on without considering their call to godliness even in sports.

Titus 2: 11- 12 reads: For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age".

As a father, my temptation is to just let Caleb go out this morning for his first soccer game and not provide any direction! I mean it is his first ever soccer game! He is only 10! But that is not being faithful to my responsibility as a father, nor is it helpful. It's my responsibility to remind him of how God's word instructs us to live. It's a privilege to remind him that winning is important, but it is not the ultimate end. Extreme? Not when you read God's Word. Not when we look to our Savior who called us to Himself, and made a way for us to have eternal life.

Titus 2:13-14 reads: while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

This is it! Our hope - those who have called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ - is not in winning a soccer game - not in making thousands of dollars - not in owning our own home - it is in - THE GLORIOUS APPEARING OF OUR GREAT GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!

Dads, our kids need to hear the truth! I pray you will serve your wife and children this day with an eternal perspective - for the GLORY OF GOD!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Caleb & Noah

These are my boys. Caleb & Noah! Last night we had our time together. Noah joined us for the first bit and then decided he would go to bed. Last night we talked about a man known as Great Grandpa Cornelius, who at the age of 6 started driving a team of horses. Noah is six now! He was quite impressed with this.

Basically I asked the boys these questions:

1) Do you have the ability and the drive to support a family?
2) Are you moving in this direction?
3) Do you prefer to play and let someone else provide for you?
4) Do you have the idea that when you are older you will work but for now you get to play?
5) Are you a liability or an asset?
6) What are some things that you can think of that hinder boys from developing into good providers
7) What are some jobs a young man your age could do?
8) If you don't have money, what are some things you could do to help provide food and shelter for your family?
9) What can you do today to earn income?
10) Do you know your dad loves you?

Now let me clarify something. My job is to raise my boys to become men. I am not trying to rob my boys of their childhood. However I am equipping them with some tools that will have a lasting effect, I pray!

You see, I could just hope that they get it. I can just hope that they will figure it out. Or I can take the God given responsibility to train my boys while they are young.

I read this great description the other day about tracks of human beings found on the banks of the Mississippi River. These tracks were made in soft clay, which in time became hardened, and formed into stone. Now the impressions are immovable. My children at these ages are soft clay. Every thing they are coming into contact with is making an impression. But as they grow older, their character acquires solidity, and less and less is affected by these influences, till at length it will be like hard stone, and the impressions made upon them at this season will become confirmed habits.

Dads, ask the hard questions. Get your young boys to think about providing for a family. Teach them about money, teach them about giving, teach them about honoring your wife and your daughters. Actually, you are teaching them...by the way you are living it.

I pray you will parent with an eternal perspective in mind...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Little More On the Book of James

I started last week, encouraging you with some Scripture from the book of James. I thought it might be helpful, before continuing on, to give you some more information about the book of James.

James is the first of a group of seven general letters, addressed to groups of Christians in different parts of the Greco-Roman world. The letter is not to one particular church.

The book of James starts like a letter, but it is more like an address, providing Christians practical guidance on how we are to live our everyday life. The letter includes various topics on: rich and poor, pride and humility, wisdom, patience, prayer, controlling our tongues (ouch) - and most importantly, faith and actions.

Make no mistake friend! Real faith will show in the way a Christian lives their life. In fact, it is suppose to affect how they think of themselves and how they regard and treat others.

In this letter, James is reminding his readers of the need for genuinely Christian standards and values in every area of our life.

With that, let me give you some more of the words of James:

James 1:19-27 (ESV)
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires. Therefore put alway all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Being a husband and a father is a challenging task. Being a son of God is too. Especially when you read words like this. Let's pray that God would help us to be purposeful in being quick to hear slow to speak and slow to anger, as we Father with and eternal perspective...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Honoring Mom & Dad Chavez

Let me introduce you to Mr & Mrs Chavez Sr. I call them dad and mom. They have been childhood sweethearts from high school. Today, by the grace of God, they are still together. I say by the grace of God because it is rare to hear of couples staying together. Through good and bad, till death do they part!

I post today, to honor them for the way that they continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory! For now and forever, AMEN!

I think it is encouraging when you see/hear (we live in different countries) how what Christ has done for them, inspires them to continue on serving and giving of themselves.

A wonderful heirloom that my parents, and my wife's parents have given to our children is their example to follow Jesus Christ. Our children have grandparents who have surrendered their lives to Jesus. What a wonderful gift to have as parents and as grandchildren to know your parents/ grandparents are committed to praying for you!

Bless you mom and dad! Thank you for the example to follow Christ, even in the difficult times!

ONLY because of the cross...