Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Encouragement for the Heart!

My wife is once again serving me. She has taken all 6 children to her mum's place so that I can get some work done. I am so blessed!

These times can be challenging when we are apart because, as I am at home studying, Meg is at her mum's serving our kids and training them regarding issues of the heart.

While she is away, I have the privilage of studying God's Word and being freshly amazed by how great God is. How worthy He is of all of our life.

I sent my wife this text message yesterday to encourage her. These words are from John Piper, in his book, 'Desiring God'. "The tree of faith grows only in the heart that craves the supreme gift that Christ died to give: not health, not wealth, not prestige but God!"

How good are these words. Do we crave gifts from God - or do we crave God? Now for me, as I read words like this, I am humbled and encouraged. I want to share these words with everyone! So ... I am telling you too! God ALONE is to be our desire, first and foremost! Do you live with this truth?

Let me give you one more quote, and then I better get back to the books. John Piper says, "All sin comes from not putting supreme value on the glory of God. This is the very essence of sin."

How confronting and uncomfortable is this? As I read this, I thought of all the ways I have lacked in putting supreme value on the glory of God in my life. I can see the truth in this. You see, I put myself, my desires, my lusts, my ideas, my finances, my family as supreme instead of God. When I put myself first - I am not putting God first. I then fulfill the desires of my flesh instead of living and loving the Lord with all my heart, all my soul & all my mind.

May our prayer be something like this: Forgive me Lord! Please forgive me for not putting supreme value of your glory in my Life. You are so worthy oh Lord! Help me, change me, draw me and help me to place you in your rightful position. There is no one like you Oh Lord! May Your Kingdom come and may Your Will be done! In Jesus Name, AMEN!

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