First up is a great article by John Macarthur regarding the ways parents can provoke their children. I was personally challenged and convicted by this article. It made me look closely at how it is that I may provoke and exasperate my children at times. For example, my desire for a clean and tidy house often overrides the need to love, nurture and care for my children in a kind and patient way. I can direct and order them around as though they are troops in the military, which can provoke them to anger and frustration, rather than provoke them to 'love and good works'. Take time to read the article and ask the Lord to show you areas where you may be provoking your children, and ask Him to help you change the way in which you may lead your kids.
The next post I thought very helpful, was from the Blazing Center, regarding finding joy in the mundane things of our everyday lives. I know that as a stay-at-home mother of 6, it can be easy to lose my joy as I go about the mundane tasks that I do day after day after day. I was encouraged that I should continue to do everything with joy in my heart, and do it as though I were doing it for the Lord! Wow! I think my family would see a different woman if I were to wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean the bathroom as though I were doing it for the King of kings!!! Today, my 3 youngest are sick (again!) , and I am freshly aware that I need Gods' divine grace to give me joy, even in the midst of sick kids! I pray that you would be reminded of the joy that bubbles up from within when our hope is fixed on the Lord, and not on our circumstances or the tasks set before us.
Lastly, here is a very helpful post from CJ Mahaney's blog about handling criticism. CJ and his wife Carolyn were addressing a group of pastors' and their wives who are preparing to begin full time ministry. The article is actually addressing wives, and how they can be most helpful when their husbands are criticized (both fairly and unfairly, or in an ungodly manner). Although this is aimed at a small group of people starting full time ministry, I thought the overall counsel given in relation to criticism was helpful to all of us. It can definitely be beneficial and applied to how both spouses may help when the other is criticized, and also when your children may be criticized. We all know the tendencies we have to both defend ourselves in the face of criticism, but even more fiercely defend our loved ones such as our spouses and children. I think the Mahaneys' give a very biblical and Godly view of how we should, with God's grace, respond when those around us may not be so kind in their judgments of us.
Well, that's all from me! I pray you will find great joy in the Lord this week as you continue to serve Him... and remember that you are serving Him, even while changing nappies, doing the dishes, the laundry or working in your office!
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