Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tempting our Children to SIN?

Caleb and I did not get to have our time together last night because, I had a few mates around for dinner. However, knowing that our plans were altered, Caleb and I spent some time together on Tuesday.

On Tuesday morning we headed out to a place that I had not been before. We were going to collect some furniture. Now I am directionally challenged, as my wife puts it. It is true! However because I know this, it causes me to be quite anxious within myself. My pride then does not want to show that I am a bit timid, to be tracking to somewhere new. Fearful that I may get lost and not be able to find my way home! Silly? Yes!

Well, my wife wrote out directions and as we got closer to our time of departure I was getting snippy and irritable. I brought a bit of tension into the home! Then I exited the home leaving my wife with five children. Now on our way out the way door, I am snapping at my son about his "irresponsibility" in asking for some chewing gum, just as we are leaving. Surely he knew that his mum would be left to deal with the other children not getting gum at 9:00AM in the morning.

So within 3-5 minutes, I had upset the household.

Caleb and I got into the car and began to drive, and I was re-playing what just took place and thinking, why Patrick? Why do you do this? Why do you take your anxiety out on your family instead of placing them at Jesus' feet? Why don't you just talk to your Heavenly Father about it? I looked over at my son and was reminded that I am role modeling for him. Is that how he should treat his wife and children? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

After wrestling with my pride for a few kilometers, I apologised to Caleb. He is so quick to forgive me! I don't understand why! But I am so grateful.

Then as we traveled, we had a wonderful time of discussion. We discussed what I and his mom do, that tempts him to sin. That may be a foreign concept to you. Discussing what tempts children to sin, but as I have listened to other men teach about raising children this is a helpful conversation to be had.

Some ways that Caleb shared with me are these:
  • When we are inconsistent
  • When we are grumpy (with each other)
  • In our tones of voice (being demanding)
I don't know about you, but knowing how my behavior tempts my son to sin, motivates me to action.

Ephesians 6:4 teaches me that, 'I am not to exasperate my children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.'

May we do this well - For HIS glory!

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