Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meg's Miscellaneous Monday Mentions

We interrupt embarrassing stories about our children (shared with permission!) to bring you this weeks' round of links to other blogs.

This YouTube clip is cute, funny, but way too close to home when it comes to some of the songs we sing in church or hear floating around the Christian music industry. I thought it was a very good reminder to us all that worship is about God - who He is, what He has done and giving all the praise, honour and glory to Him. It is not about us - our trials and tribulations, our feelings, our lives and what we do for God. If the songs you are singing, both at church, in your car or on your mp3 player are more about 'me' than about Him, then maybe it's time to turn the dial to a new channel. One that points all the glory and praise to Him.

I know that The Muppets are a hard act to follow, but here is a very challenging post

titled, 'Eat Bitter' from Carolyn McCulley over at 'Radical Womanhood'. The full article is here at Boundless Webzine. The phrase, 'eating bitter', comes from the Chinese who are taught that enduring hardship is as valuable as overcoming it. Carolyn puts forward the idea that we so often just seek to change our surroundings as soon as they cause us any discomfort or irritation, rather than face them head on and learn from them whatever lessons it may that God wants us to learn. Obviously this in itself can be a hard thing to read, but I found it very challenging to myself and my own attitudes. Hopefully you will, too!

Last, but not least, is a fantastic quote from Charles Spurgeon, posted over at Pyromaniacs. Although Spurgeon was preaching this message nearly 150 years ago, the powerful words that he has to say about the never changing truths of the Gospel are still completely relevant for today. We are facing the shifting sands of modern times, which is nothing new under the sun. It is obvious from Spurgeons' words that the church faced the same thing in his day. I pray that his words would be a good reminder to you today that God's word is the truth and it is the same yesterday, today and forever. It requires no new thing to add to it, to make it more attractive or entertaining to the masses. It does not need to be intellectualized for the educated, nor does it need to be dumbed down to be easier to swallow.

"Christ's gospel is no new gospel; and moreover, we are old-fashioned
enough to believe that not one doctrine is to be altered, nor half a doctrine,
nor the thousandth part of a doctrine, no nor yet the form of a doctrine. We
would "hold fast the form of sound words"—not only the principle mark, but the
words; and not only the words, but the very form in which the words were

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