Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't Be Ordinary - by John Younts

Parenting is a big job, especially as they get older. I am discovering that it becomes a little more serious to address issues of the heart.

Younts, in his book 'everyday talk' challenges parent's to consider how we will talk to our children when they disobey our directions. Great challenge, Mr Younts!

So when I did a hurried evaluation, I recognized a need for grace in the way I respond to my children when they disobey. Younts is right when he writes, "they ([y]our children) will be stubborn, deceitful, manipulative and rebellious. They will complain, whine and grumble. Your job (as parent's)is to recognize their sin for what it is and teach them how to deal with it God's way."

Wow - what a powerful and grace motivated truth. We do have an amazing job that God has called us to. But more than calling us to this task, He has provided us with loving instructions in His Word on how to be the parent He wants us to be. Younts encourages parent's by calling us to "remember, Christ loved you when you were unlovely." Oh how true that is. When I read this I laughed, because I am so aware of the deficiencies I carry as a husband and father. I am often amazed that God would have me on His team. When I remember this, I am reminded that if He can be that patient with me, then He can equip me to be patient with my wife and children, just as He has ALWAYS been with me.

I trust you will not quit or give up in your calling of parenting with an eternal perspective...

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