Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assuming can get you into trouble!

Have you ever learned about the danger of assuming? Fortunately, I learned an important lesson at a young age.

I remember as a young man, working in a Bible Book Store in Modesto, California. The owner of the Book Store was very professional and taught me heaps.

One of the most important things he taught me was the danger of assuming anything.

There was an order of books that I had marked at the wrong price. The previous lot of books were marked at a different price & I assumed that these books would be marked the same. I was wrong in assuming that.

I remember my boss came to me and asking me why I did what I did. I told him that "I assumed that these books would be the same price." He asked me if I new what assuming does. I said, "no, I don't." He informed me that, 'when I assume things it makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me".'

I have never forgotten that... It was a hard way to learn an important lesson & it has stuck with me.

I hope you are not assuming anything of your wife, children, or friends. Things like, assuming that they know you love them. You are glad that God has given them to you. I also trust that you are not assuming that your colleagues, relatives, neighbours or strangers know who Jesus is. They need to know & someone needs to tell them. Will it be you?

Don't do like I did and assume things...

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