Monday, September 15, 2008

'Daily Help' from Spurgeon

As a father it is easy to compare what you don't have with those who "appear" to have it all... It is easy to think your not a good provider, and if you could give your wife and kids more things, they will be happier... It is easy to listen to what the world says, instead of what God wants for us...

There is a man who I read sometimes, and this is his 'Daily Help' for today:

"Look at your possessions, believer, and compare your portion with the lot of your fellowmen. Some of them have their portion in the field. They are rich and their harvests yield them a golden increase, but what are harvests compared with your God who is the God of harvests? What are bursting granaries compared with Him, who is the Farmer and who feeds you with the bread of heaven? Some have their portion in the city. Their wealth is abundant and flows to them in constant streams until they become a very reservoir of gold, but what is gold compared with your God? "Thou art my portion, O Lord" (Psalms 119:57)"
'Daily Help' Charles Spurgeon

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