Monday, September 8, 2008

D - A - D

Yesterday was father's day in Australia. I was asked to present a 5 minute talk about fathers and father's day. I took the opportunity to challenge the men to give a gift to their children this father's day.

The gift I recommended, was that they love their children s mum.

How do they do that?

D = Draw
A = Affirm
D = Do

D = Draw out your wife... How? - Ask alot of questions: How was your day? What is the Lord teaching you? Are you OK? Is there anything you want to talk to me about? Am I upsetting you or the children? Have you watched anything today or listened to anything today that has distrubed you or challenged you?

A = Affirm your wife... - Unashamedly, often, loudly, proudly, openly & in front of the children! Have you succumb to the condition of taking your wife for granted? Dishes done, clean clothes, meals cooked, kids scheduled, bed made, house clean & the like? So often our wife has done many things that go unnoticed and unappreciated. If we don't affirm our wife for the things they have done, will our children?

Another thing we need to affirm is when our wife makes choices to serve Christ instead of serving themselves. This needs to be done loudest.

D = Do things for your wife... - When I was preparing this little talk, I was talking to my wife about the "do" word and asking Meg, what sort of things should I suggest? She said, "look honey, men have "needs" right"? She continued, "wife's get tired but might have more strength to meet needs if husbands helped out a bit more"... My first question was, "what can I do for you"!

The best gift fathers can give their children - is to love their children s mum...

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