Saturday, March 28, 2009

Confronted with writing a Will

Have you had to think or have you been through the process of writing or drawing up a Will?

My wife and I have just gone through the process of prayerfully arranging what should happen to our children in the event of our death.

Let me tell you guys - I did not go about this the right way - so learn from my mistake.

Here's what I did.

"Hey honey, I have decided that if we die on our trip overseas, I am going to ask" so and so" to look after our kids.

My wife, "honey, I am not sure I am comfortable with that".

Me, "that's OK, I think it's the right thing to do, so we are going to do that".

My wife, "honey, I really am not sure about that."

Me, "I know your not babe, but it's the right thing to do and I will be held accountable if I got it wrong, so it's the way we need to go!"

You probably understand that I did not do a great job here! Here is where I went wrong, and what I learned, thanks to my wife's patient, loving and timely rebuke.

With tears in her eyes my wife humbly said, "Honey, I know that you are the leader of our home and I know that you have our kids best interest at heart but perhaps next time you could lead me differently." I'm like OK, LISTEN Patrick - this is gonna be gold. And it was...

She continued, "Honey, I am thinking that maybe you could tell me what you are thinking and then say, 'I know you may not agree with me, but I would like to pray with you about this and ask that you pray about this'".

I was like, baby that's brilliant! I'm gonna do that next time. Would you forgive me for messing this up...

Here's the great thing - We completely agree on what should happen to our children and we have a peace that - we make our plans but the Lord orders our steps! Our Will is written, signed & sealed...

I hope you will learn from my mistakes and talk to your wife about what should happen with the possessions you have been entrusted with!

Draw up that Will - having an eternal perspective in mind!

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