Friday, November 20, 2009

What's an Eternal Perspective? Part 2

Glad you came back to check about getting a vision for your family! It's a way we as father's can serve our family! So, before we can put a vision in place perhaps it may serve us to quickly consider what is eternal:

Eternity is a mystery that is very profound. This topic can really do your head in. Especially if you read some of the great minds who attempt to dumb it down for us. And there are many and varied views about this topic, but in any case, because we find it difficult to understand, we shouldn't just put it in the 'too hard basket'. I think we ought to wrestle with this idea because frankly, whether we like it or not, eternity is real!

How do I know this? Well because I believe what the Bible says. The Bible makes several references to heaven, judgement, eternal life (Jn. 3:16). The Bible also talks about being absent from the body and being present with the Lord. In fact, when Jesus left the earth He said, "I am going to prepare a place for you... that where I am there you may be also..." (Jn. 14). This confirms that something happens after we die. What happens? Well according to the Bible it's either heaven or hell.

Don't know where you are at, but for me, it helps me to live with eternity in mind. And yet, this also begs the question, how do we do this?

As a father I am learning more and more. I am responsible to equip my wife and children with the truth. If I don't do this, then I am not loving them or caring for them. Even if I don't understand the topic or the consequences, I don't think this releases me from my responsibility. I need not abdicate my role as a husband and father, however I need to be diligent and intentional about equipping my wife and children with truth. Now here's the catch: I need and want to serve my family with Biblical truth not worldly wisdom. There is a difference. And I think that right there is how you put into place a vision that has an eternal perspective for your family.

Let me offer you where I would start - I would start with the "GOOD NEWS" = the GOSPEL! Can I offer you this warning? Never grow comfortable or familiar with this story, but rehearse its' mysteries and truths daily! It's a temptation I face and you may too, so I offer this warning! But in saying that, if you do this, you will find it will help you put into place a vision for your family that seeks to glorify God and will, in turn, bless your wife and kids socks off!

I think it would be appropriate for me to remind myself of this amazing Good NEWS!!! Jesus (what a Savior) is born of a virgin, living a perfect/sinless life. Healing and delivering many people, as well as teaching thousands the ways of God. He is later falsely accused, lied about, misrepresented and yet never sinning or retaliating (staggering to consider), is nailed to a cross and dies on our behalf. Then 3 days later He raises from the dead, conquering death! Praise His Holy Name! After He rose from the dead, He then reveals himself to approximately 500 witnesses and ascends to heaven many days later, and took His rightful place at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us! Wow & Hallelujah!

Brothers, putting a vision together for your family will look different than mine because my wife and children will be different than yours. Your wife's temptations and weaknesses will be different as will your children's. But here's where the hard work is required. You must listen and observe your wife and children... and after you have done that for a few weeks, and spent some time praying and asking God for wisdom, then I reckon you will have come up with a wonderful vision for your family that will glorify the God who gave you life, a wife & those kids...

May you plan & parent with an eternal perspective, for the glory of our Great GOD & King!

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