Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day in USA

Today, in USA, it is Father's Day!

... an event that brings gladness to some - sadness to others. For me it's a mix of both!

Gladness, that I recently got to see my dad... Sadness, that I don't see him very often! However, I am grateful for where I am and where my dad is.

You know, my dad has taught me alot! He taught me how to work, he taught me how to interact with people, he taught me how to fish, which to this day, I hate fishing! He taught me how to provide care for others, and he taught me how to call a mechanic, gardner, electrician, plumber, carpenter, banker & most importantly my Heavenly Father.

You see my dad taught me that everyone has abilities. We can't all do everything, but "what you oughta do is" call someone or find someone who has the answer... Ain't that right Peco's? Perhaps I need to call you a bit more - our phone ain't worken to well... LOL

Well dad, from across the Pacific, Happy Father's Day!

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