Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our Church

For the past 6 months I have been leading my family on Sunday mornings, in our home, for church. This is not something that I highly recommend: however, it has served us.

You see, I am apart of a group of couples who are going to be planting a Sovereign Grace Church in Australia. If you click HERE: you can read about what is happening & more of the history of what is going on.

We live up in Newcastle, NSW and have been exploring the area and prayerfully awaiting on the Lord and the leadership of Sovereign Grace to confirm that this is where we sense the Lord leading us to plant a church.

In all of this, we are so excited and really appreciate the care and leadership provided to us during this precarious stage. It really has been wonderful, which has only confirmed that we really want to be apart of this ministry.

Well this week we received an exciting update about our church that we are going to be apart of.

I have so wanted to put this on here - so officially - here it is:

So you are Newcastle, this says Sydney... That's right - we are relocating to Sydney as we sense that this is where the Lord is leading us. If you are a regular reader of this blog, I could really use your prayers. I will need a new job, a new home, and resources to make this happen!
This morning in home church we looked at Luke 12:22-34, which encouraged us all!
This is an opportunity to lead our children and model, with joy in our hearts, the "cost" of following Christ. Truly an opportunity to parent with an eternal perspective...

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