Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Sacraments

A mate sent me this today and I am so grateful for the thought provoking questions: Peruse through them and perhaps consider how you could teach your child about, The Sacraments:

1. What is a sacrament?
2. What is baptism?
3. When should a child be baptised?
4. What is a believable profession of faith?
5. Does God save young children?
6. What is the role of the parent in evaluating a child's readiness to be baptised?
7. If my child said a prayer and invited Jesus into his heart, isn't that enough to be baptised?
8. What is the Lord's Supper?
9. How do baptism and the Lord's Supper differ?
10. When should a child receive the Lord's Supper?
11. Should unbaptised children take the Lord's Supper?
12. What do I say to a child who thinks he is converted if I don't think he is ready for baptism or the Lord's Supper?
13. Are there any problems with waiting too long to baptise a truly converted child?
14. If I have a child who is unbaptised but receiving the Lord's Supper, how do I go about removing this privilege?
15. Why not baptise infants?
16. What do I do if my child was baptised as an infant?
17. What if my child was baptised at an early age, and now I don't think he was really converted until later; should he be baptised again?
18. What is the role of the church in evaluating a child's readiness to be baptised and receive the Lord's Supper?

If you want some help on how to answer these questions look here! When you click on this link it will provide you with more resources and a wonderful blog to bookmark. Have a look around and be encouraged!

Now I reckon that by providing your children with this sort of biblical truth will clearly serve them. I also believe that by having these sorts of conversations is another way that you can be parenting with an eternal perspective...

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