Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Parenting Tool

Do you wonder how we get kids to come to church?

Spurgeon has a wonderful exhortation for parents and teachers. He suggests you "win them"! How do you win them you ask? Spurgeon suggests you tell them of the wonderful fun that is to be had when learning the Word of God.

Now, that right there may not be the climate of your church environment.

Hence, dad's we need to step up and bring in some fun to our children's learning about the Lord!

Let me ask you, do we need to change anything about the way we share with our children or your friends children?

Next, Spurgeon sees that we need to win the children's love.

How do you do that? May I suggest that it's not the strict classroom setting where order and rules reign supreme. Perhaps its what Psalms 34:11 suggests- "Come, my children, listen as I teach you to respect the Lord."

Perhaps it's the humble approach of a father sitting down or kneeling down to a child's level and speaking gently the Words of the Lord.

All to often the fault of many teachers is that they do not get their children near them but endeavor to demand a kind of awful respect for the parent or teachers and their position of authority. Instead , may I suggest we gently tell the children to come. Come and listen.

Spurgeon beautifully and rightly observes, "before you teach a child, you must get the silver key of kindness to unlock their hearts and so secure their attention." How correct this man's understanding of children is. A child and even an adult does not really care how much you know, until he knows how much you care for them.

Dad's, invite your children to, "come".

And then teach them how to respect the Lord!

Go well!

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