Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Soccer

Last week was Caleb's first ever soccer game. He came home with this! It was pretty exciting for us to see this, especially for is brother and four sisters. It was pretty funny watching his little brother honoring him. He wanted to make sure that Caleb got in the van first, and got out of the van first. Noah wanted to hold the door open for him when he got home! It was pretty cool. He kept saying, "your a champion Caleb!"

What was so humbling was when Caleb called his Nanny & Poppy. Hearing him tell his Nanny & Poppy that, "he couldn't have done it without the Lord's help."

Today is another opportunity for him to go out and play with all of his strength. And while he plays and plays hard, he has another opportunity to play as unto the Lord. Not leaving his Christianity at home or on the sidelines, but playing with those charcter traits that God calls us as believers to walk in. But not just for Caleb. For Meg and I to exhibit these traits as we watch.
This morning the game is early. So therefore as parent's we need to early, remind him of the privilge and opportunity to play.

When we see the world as an opportunity to shine the love of Christ around, may we seize every opportunity. Even when it comes to training our children.

I hear the excitement of the family building upstairs as we go out early. It is 6:22AM! There is great joy and excitment that comes from training your kids. Seeing and hearing them encourage each other is quite wonderful.

Can I encourage you that when you sow - you sometimes reap in area's early! It is truly rewarding to parent having an eternal perspective in mind.

May God be glorified in your family as you seek to lead your family with an eternal perspective!

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